Papa John’s Decides What They’re Going to Do About Female Driver Who Shot...
News has spread this week about an unidentified delivery woman for Papa John’s who was making her rounds in a Georgia neighborhood on Sunday when a man approached her car with a gun to try and rob her....
View ArticleDemocratic Campaign Machine Wonders Who’s Pulling the Strings on Hispanic...
The Republican Party chose Carlos Curbelo to deliver a rebuttal in Spanish to President Obama’s State of the Union speech last night, which doesn’t seem to be sitting well with the Democratic...
View ArticleAn HBO Host’s Bizarrely Vicious Attack on the NRA Fires Up the Wrath of Gun...
During the gun debate, attacks on the National Rifle Association are pretty commonplace, since the organization is at the forefront of gun issues. But TV sports commentator Bryant Gumbel may have just...
View ArticleAfter Gun Owners Are Called ‘Pigs’ on TV, NRA Radio Host’s Comeback Is the...
NRA radio host Cam Edwards caught wind of HBO Real Sports host Bryant Gumbel’s comments in a Rolling Stone interview where Gumbel called NRA members “pigs” and a “curse upon the American landscape.”...
View ArticleSarah Palin Thinks There’s a ‘Deflated Balls’ Issue. Not in New England – in...
While at the 2015 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, Sarah Palin spoke with The Blaze, discussing many different topics, ranging from future runs for elected office to her TV show. Amazing America. She declined...
View ArticleMeet the Lovely Lady Representing America at The Miss Universe Pageant – Miss...
The ladies from all over the world participating in the 2015 Miss Universe Pageant all made a terrific showing, with outfits representative of their respective nations. Miss USA, Nia Sanchez, made a...
View ArticleMSNBC Says President Obama Needs YouTube Stars More Than They Need Him
The recent YouTube interview of President Obama hosted by online stars, Bethany Mota, GloZell Green and Hank Green has been making the rounds with all of the traditional media outlets and raising...
View ArticleFox News Host Jenna Lee Gets to the Bottom of Hot NFL Controversy – By...
In the midst of coverage of the so-called “deflategate” plaguing the New England Patriots and their quarterback, Tom Brady, Fox News host Jenna Lee called up her father to discuss the matter. Lee’s...
View Article‘Police Stalker’ App Brings Up Privacy Concerns For Citizens and Safety...
Smartphones have become one of the most commonplace tech devices that Americans now use on a daily basis – from email, to music, to Facebook — smartphones have created convenience in many aspects of...
View Article49-Year-Old Mom of 2 Put Herself Up For Sale on Ebay… But Doesn’t Get Quite...
Ebay is no stranger to weird items being sold on its domain, ranging from Britney Spear’s hair to the country of New Zealand (not joking, that really happened. Unsuccessfully, of course.) Some of these...
View ArticleParents Outraged When Planned Parenthood Sent Instructors With Sketchy...
A California high school has come under fire after some parents discovered who the school hired to teach sexual education to their children. The two instructors were a part of a partnership between...
View ArticleHospital Camera Catches Mom Injecting Feces into Her Son’s IV for a...
In this shocking account, a mother from Kermit, West Virginia, has been brought up on charges of endangering her child’s life. She could face up to eight years in prison. The mother, Candida Fluty, was...
View ArticleAmericans are Afraid of a Lot of Things, But Not What The CDC Says is Killing Us
In the United States, the life expectancy of the average U.S. citizen reached a record high of 78.8 years in 2012, which good news for us. We’re living longer. But what are our most likely causes of...
View ArticleJewish Leader and Film Crew Finally Escape From Auschwitz After Interrogation...
Riccardo Pacifici, the leader of the Roman Jewish community whose grandparents died in Auschwitz, became locked in the Nazi concentration camp, while filming a TV show dedicated to the 70th anniversary...
View ArticleCommunist Party USA is Ready to Endorse a Major Political Party. Can You...
Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has recently penned a 2,023-page open letter expressing its eagerness and enthusiasm on getting to work with the Democratic Party to “advance the modern communist agenda and...
View ArticleThe Gay Cake Wars Continue: Guy Frosts a Pastry Chef When He Allegedly Asks...
A Colorado baker is being faced with a civil rights complaint, after refusing a customer request. But the difference between this complaint and many recent bakery complaints is the requested message on...
View ArticleAutomakers’ Manufacturing Defect Triggers Massive Recall of 2.1 Million Vehicles
As many as 2.1 million vehicles are up for recall after an issue was discovered with airbag deployment for early 2000s models of Toyotas, Hondas, and Chryslers. The National Highway Traffic Safety...
View ArticleGot Tickets to the Gun Show? The Government’s Interested and Here’s How They...
Recent revelations about the massive surveillance apparatus piloted by the National Security Agency have made Americans increasingly concerned with privacy and surveillance issues. Now, new information...
View ArticleUS Army Sends Out a Tweet About Its Badass New Armor, But One Word Sets Off a...
On Thursday, the U.S. Army tweeted out a recent article, which unfortunately included a word in its title that had some Twitter users doing a double-take. Image Source: Twitter Screenshot For those who...
View ArticleWyoming Deputy Has Another Idea When Department Tells Him To Leave his Cowboy...
Old habits and styles die hard, especially in the case of Wyoming Deputy Gene Bryson, who is retiring after his particular style of clothing was excluded from the updated attire for the department....
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